It’s April! Spring! A time for fresh starts, and so finally a time to reinvent my obsolete website here. My old site was absolutely gorgeous, designed by an incredibly talented friend many years ago as a place to blog and advertise myself as a writing coach. When she became ill and turned the site over to me, I attempted to continue to use it despite my complete lack of website expertise...which translated to not updating it for about five years.
Procrastination? Yes, I may know something about that. One of my resolutions this year was to begin blogging again, and I’ve finally moved on over to a much easier platform (thank you, Weebly) where that is possible. The site is not as pretty as it was under Deena’s skillful hands, but I’ve tried to maintain the spirit of her design. My thanks to my dear friend Raq, who drew the beautiful pen and ink illustrations I use on this page and as my logo. I’d considered reposting my old blog but have decided to start fresh. I plan to blog regularly now that I’m not completely intimidated by my own website. My main focus here will be on my teaching life, but my other passions may creep in from time to time. So welcome, friends. I hope this is the start of a great conversation.
About“And though she be but little, she is fierce!” -A Midsummer Night’s Dream Archives
December 2020